Японские ономатопеи

В дискуссии на Quora дали примеры японских ономатопей, великолепные до слёз. До чего, всё-таки, люди бывают чувствительны к миру:)

Хока-хока – тёплый пар, поднимающийся над едой, обычно над миской риса.
Шаки-шаки – описание хрустящей, насыщенной водой еды, вроде огурца или листьев салата.
Горо-горо – помимо раската грома, эти слова также описывают состояние, когда человеку хочется просто лечь на пол и кататься, обычно от скуки или нежелания делать что-либо ещё.
Заку-заку – хруст гравия, грязи или снега под ногами.
Ши—н – звук абсолютной тишины.

1. Hoka-hoka (ほかほか) Describes the state of warm steam evaporating from hot food, usually a bowl of sticky white rice. Strangely, adding “hoka-hoka” to the name of any warm dish instantaneously makes it seem infinitely more delicious. It can also describe non-edible warm objects, such your body warming up after exercise, or fresh, nice-smelling laundry that has just been pulled out of the dryer.

2. Shaki-shaki (シャキシャキ) Describes the watery and crunchy texture of food, such as lettuce or cucumber. You may hear “this lettuce is shaki-shaki since it’s so fresh”. It can also describe the quick and admirable manner in which someone moves and takes actions, such as “it’s a pleasure to watch him work since he moves about so shaki-shaki”.

3. Goro-goro (ゴロゴロ) Other than representing the rumbling sound of thunder and such, “goro-goro” describes the action of lying down and rolling around, usually out of boredom or unwillingness to do anything else. It might come off as someone being a lazy bum, but to me it represents the happy, simple moments in life when you’re resting comfortably with nothing important to do or a worry in your mind. Even though “goro-goro” is an onomatopoeia for rolling around, it doesn’t mean you literally have to be rolling around on the floor to use it. If you’re lying in bed and your friend calls and asks “What are you doing?”, you could answer “I’m just goro-goroing in my house”.

4. Zaku-zaku (ザクザク) This represents the sincerely satisfying crunching noise made when you walk over gravel, dirt, or snow. It is also commonly used to describe the sound made when roughly cutting produce into big chunks. They often use it during cooking shows, such as “cut the cabbage in a zaku-zaku manner”. Last but not least, this onomatopoeia can be used to describe the clinking sounds made when money (coins) hit one another. Even though bills have greater monetary value than coins in Japanese yen, “zaku-zaku” gives off the impression of extreme wealth. You can easily imagine yourself drowning in a heaping mound of gold coins upon hearing these four syllables. This is why many financial guide books have “zaku-zaku” in the title, such as “How to earn money zaku-zaku”. Also in the Kansai region (particularly Osaka) you might hear someone ask “Are you zaku-zaku?” meaning “Are you earning lots of money?”.

5. Shi—n (シーン) Describes the “sound” of complete utter silence. I know, it’s ironic to say that silence has a sound, but after using it all my life I feel like I actually do hear “shi—n” when there is complete silence. It is normally used to describe a situation when the audience is completely silent after hearing something serious/touching/emotional, such as “after his speech the audience fell silent like shi—n”. Many people also say the word as a way to break the awkward silence that follows terrible jokes that no one responds to. I often say this to my dad when he busts out his “oyaji-gyagu” (typical puns/jokes popular among men over 40) on me, and strangely enough he’s completely satisfied with me just saying “shi—n” instead of actually laughing.
Источник: https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-Japanese-is-a-language-that-uses-lots-of-onomatopoeias/answers/15529141?srid=0DQW&share=1